Imms is written primarily in C# and targets that language. But the library has a separate companion assembly, Imms.FSharp, that provides various extensions and modules for use with F#.

The following are the components of the F# Integration library.

Common Aliases

The Imms library provides aliases for many collection-related types found in the .NET Framework, to better match F#‘s concise style. Examples include:

  1. Kvp<'k,'v> for KeyValuePair<'TKey, 'TValue>.
  2. IEq<'a> for IEqualityComparer<'T>.
  3. ICmp<'a> for IComparer<'T>
  4. IIter<'a> for IEnumerator<'T>

Module bindings

The F# companion library offers a module for each of the Imms collections, with module bindings for all the operations exposed by the standard interface. These modules also handle a few other things to make the collections more convenient to work with:

  1. Conversion to and from F#‘s function and Option types, as required.
  2. Provide a few extra functions to match the spirit of the F# collection library.
  3. Impose : equality and : comparison constraints, as required.
  4. Provide conversion to and from F# collection types.

Active Patterns

The F# companion library comes with a powerful set of active patterns for decomposing Imms sequential collections:

  1. Last(initial, last) allows decomposing collections from the end. Examples are Last1(initial, last), Last2(initial, last1, last2), etc.
  2. First(head, tail) allows decomposing collections from the beginning.
  3. Mid(head, mid, last) allows decomposing a collection by one element from each side.
  4. Nil matches an empty collection.

Collection Expressions

The F# library also provides computation expressions for building Imms collections. Here are some examples of how they are used:

let lst = immList {
	for i in 0 .. 10 do yield i
let map = immMap {
	for i in 0 .. 10 do yield Kvp(i, i)